CAS: 60-12-8
FEMA: 2858
Soft fresh Rose note, slight green and phenolic undertones. Invaluable material used in almost all fragrances worldwide as a blender and floralizer.
Description courtesy of Arcatander - “This material enters perfume compositions at the rate of 5-10-20% or sometimes much more. Its low cost, versatility and general acceptability on odor, its excellent stability are factors speaking strongly in favor of this otherwise relatively weak odorant. However, its odor is clearly demonstrated in an experiment with an apparently weak crystalline ftxative/odorant, such as rose crystals. With 5% of the crystalline material, Phenyl ethyl alcohol will smell not only much more rosy, it will last much longer, and its 'rough' top notes are pleasantly subdued, it has 'three dimensions' instead of two. But it is in the 'everyday' perfumery that the subject alcohol is most appreciated. It is almost never 'out of place' in a composition, be it floral, balsamic, Oriental, mossy, herbaceous or 'modem-aldehydic'. It is an inevitable companion to the 'rose alcohols', Cityronellol, Geraniol, Nerol, Dimethyloctanol, etc. and it may receive fixation from Guaiacwood, Nitromusks, Coumarin and Heliotropin Rosetone, Resinoids, etc. It blends excellently with the Linalool family, and with all the newer 'Lily’-alcohols, Muguet - alcohols, etc. as well as in Lime and Spice blends.”